15 Things We Just Learned From Kurt Angle About WWE & His Career

5. On The SmackDown Women's Division

SmackDown Women's Division Shane McMAhon

Perhaps in an attempt to draw out a response on the James Ellsworth/Carmella MITB controversy, Angle was invited to offer his thoughts on the SmackDown Women's Division with an open ended question on what he thinks of the state of the division:

"They're doing really well with the progress the women have made in the past five or six years on both Raw and SmackDown - and NXT - you have a lot of incredibly young talented women... These girls are main eventing shows. That was impossible 11 years ago, but that proves how good they are and how far they've come so I expect them to now compete with the men. Every show we're going to see if the men main event or the women - it's good for everyone..."

Angle says without diversty, John Cena would be dominating main events, as the face of the company, and that the rise of Women's wrestling is a good thing as "it's good to see new faces come in and end the show at the most important and most crucial time of the show."

He also admitted that of the current NXT crop, he'd like to bring Asuka up to Raw, as she has potential for a huge impact.

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Kurt Angle
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