15 Things We Just Learned From Kurt Angle About WWE & His Career

4. The Perfect Way To End His Career?

Ric Flair Kurt Angle WrestleMania

As he heads into the twilight of his career, the question of how Angle will bow out in the coming few years is inevitably a pertinent one.

He wouldn't have come back to WWE in the first place if he didn't recognise it as an opportunity to bow out not only at the top but also in a manner befitting his career, and you get a sense that he wouldn't have returned if he didn't think he could do it.

And even more inevitably, the big WrestleMania buzzword comes up when he's asked about his priorities, and whether he's focused on wrestling again:

"For me right now it's just to contribute and wrestle some of the young talent. I would imagine I'd get a pretty high profile match at WrestleMania if I did wrestle. I think everybody wants a title run. I'm 48-years-old, I'm still in great shape, I can still go pretty hard in the ring, but you know, there's more talent out there that need the title more than I do, but it would be a lot of fun if I did get a title run, but at the same time as long as I'm contributing and helping the young talent and mixing it up with some of the older talent, I'd be happy with that."
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Kurt Angle
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