15 Things We Just Learned From Kurt Angle About WWE & His Career

1. He Might Be Heading Into A Feud With Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins

It's fair to say this is more like speculation, but we know that WWE have a penchant for using the 2K releases to frame storylines within the product. Last year's success with Goldberg's return should have shown WWE that it's a great opportunity.

With that in mind, Angle's comments about Seth Rollins - and in specific his disrespectful behaviour in the 2K18 announce trailer - should start spiking interest for a potential feud:

Let’s be clear though. I have a small bone to pick with Seth Rollins. You obviously saw the announcement trailer. Seth broke into the WWE Archives and disrespected history. Up in flames went the memories of many incredible WWE Legends and Hall of Famers, who have come before him. Guys like Andre the Giant, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Undertaker, and many more. All I can say for now is just wait and see the pre-order announcement for the game, revenge may be on my mind.

Obviously, that could just refer to a gameplay mode, but as Angle himself says, the games have crossed over with TV, so it feels a lot like that's what he's hinting at:

As many of you are well aware, WWE’s video games with 2K play a huge role in the world of WWE each year. With WWE 2K18 being no exception when it releases worldwide on Oct. 17.

Would you like to see a feud between Kurt Angle and Seth Rollins? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.

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Kurt Angle
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