15 Things We Just Learned From Kurt Angle About WWE & His Career

14. The Current Locker Room

Samoa Joe Kurt Angle

The passage of time does a lot for companies as big as WWE, and with the current era trading on prestigious history-making moments (some of which they don't even botch), it's inevitable that those changes are more pointed.

So how does the company compare to how it was when Angle left in 2006?

"The guys are... healthier, more vibrant. It seems that the WWE has catered to the talent a lot better. I think it's pretty incredible: there are so many things that they do now - they have masseuses there all day, the catering goes all day and night not just one meal a day...It's a better atmosphere for the talent and that's a great thing. The atmosphere is great, the talent... no negativity, everybody wants to work together - it's a good crew. I also have to say that it's one of the most talented crews I've ever seen."

And more generally speaking, Angle says he perceives that there's been a complete change in philosophy that permeates not only the product but also the fanbase: a greater focus on in-ring talent, rather than characters:

"When I was in the Attitude Era - and the other Eras - there was great talent... but personas and characters seemed to be the more popular thing back then. Now the wrestling is definitely the most popular thing about what the talent brings to the table."
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Kurt Angle
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