15 Things We Learned From Vince McMahon's Docuseries On Netflix

4. Everyone Immediately Refutes Vince’s Claim

Vince McMahon Netflix

"None whatsoever".

That was Vince's response when a director asked what similarities he has to his bombastic Mr. McMahon character. A familiar cold stare follows, then some silence, and then the camera cuts to Shane as a talking head. He says the character is “an extension” of his dad in real life - that was snappy work from Netflix.

Shawn Michaels (who didn't actually do that much talking outside the 'Montreal Screwjob' revisit) says there isn’t too much difference between on-screen and off. Almost comedically, Hulk Hogan says they’re “exactly the same”. Bruce Prichard agrees, and so does Steve Austin.

Later, right at the end of episode six, McMahon clumsily contradicts himself by saying there’s “a blend” between his real self and the character on TV. He says he can defo see the parallels, so it's a little confusing that he seemingly couldn't in earlier episodes.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.