15 WWE Stars Who Thrived On Being Hated

11. CM Punk

CM Punk is an interesting case of a guy who so enjoys playing the villain that he requested a turn during a time when he was at his hottest as a babyface. As we€™ve gotten to know more of Phil Brooks €“ the man behind the character €“ it makes sense that he€™d enjoy being cast as the bad guy, since he seems to be quite an unpleasant chap. Since walking away from pro wrestling to pursue his dreams of being a full-time hockey fanatic and part-time UFC fighter, Punk has basked in his own brashness, going out of his way to be abrasive toward fans and colleagues on social media and in interviews. For someone who claims to be such a recluse, he clearly enjoys the attention, and the ability to soak up the negative emotions directed at him and channel it back into his performance is admirable. WWE has been hurting for top heels €“ largely because the company has some unexplainable aversion to actually portraying their bad guys as €œbad€ €“ and he€™s easily one of this decade€™s standouts. In fact, Punk was so good at his job that it turned him into a de facto face, and when it came time to turn back he had to disparage a beloved figure who was recently deceased just to get back on the audience€™s bad side.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.