16 Most Illustrious Fake Families In Wrestling History

6. The Hollys

Brothers Of Destruction Undertaker Kane

Bob "Hardcore" "Sparkplug" "STP" Bobcore" Holly was a journeyman grappler for years who never really gained traction until he was paired with his supposed cousin, Crash. Dubbed "Elroy" by the announce team, the pint-sized Crash claimed to be a super-heavyweight, tipping the scales at "well over four hundred pounds." To illustrate their point, Crash and Hardcore would come to the ring with their own, definitely-not-rigged athletic scales.

The two cousins were eventually joined by a distaff counterpart in Molly Holly, who soon established a star-crossed romance with Spike Dudley. A white trash pastiche of Romeo and Juliet ensued, with the Hollys as size-exaggerating Capulets and the Dudleyz as furniture-destroying Montagues.

Ultimately, the Holly "cousins" were most successful when not competing as a unit; Hardcore enjoyed numerous underwhelming singles pushes, while Molly became a two-time Women's Champion and Crash defined the 24/7 era of the Hardcore Championship.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.