16 Things You Might Have Missed From Last Night’s WWE Raw

13. Roman's Mindset Has Totally Flipped

Roman Reigns Kurt Angle

Something doesn't add up with Roman's argument at the moment.

Pre-WrestleMania, Reigns painted himself as a company man who was always there when WWE needed him and had done everything in his power to be "the guy". That was the crux of his argument against Brock Lesnar; Lesnar, a part-timer, didn't work as hard as he did and definitely wasn't one of the boys.

Now, Roman is being cast as an underdog akin to Daniel Bryan in 2013-14. That's not easy to believe, especially when Reigns has headlined countless pay-per-views, received endless title shots and been a multi-time World Champion.

Reigns has gone from touting himself as WWE's top dog to complaining that he's being overlooked, and it's not very convincing.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.