16 Things You Might Have Missed From Last Night’s WWE Raw

12. Ronda Rousey Acknowledging Her Limited Experience

Ronda Rousey Nia Jax

Nia Jax re-hashed some of her old heel arrogance when challenging Ronda Rousey to a match for her Raw Women's Title. Oddly, Rousey (who normally appears brazen when provoked) backed off a little and acknowledged that she doesn't really deserve a crack at the title due to her limited experience.

Ronda also went as far as saying there were other women on Raw who were ahead of her in line.

It's going to be a challenge for WWE's writers to keep Nia babyface and ensure Ronda, a genuine bad-ass fighter, doesn't look ill-prepared. If anything, Jax should be fearful that Rousey's experience as a world class destroyer will jeopardise her title reign.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.