16 Things You Might Have Missed From Last Night’s WWE Raw

10. The B-Team’s New Music

The B Team

That sure sounded like some new entrance music for ex-Miztourage members Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas this week. They weren't given the full entrance treatment, but a fresh generic metal track could be heard blaring over the PA as they stood mid-ring before working Breezango.

Although the track is the usual WWE riff fest with a familiar mix of screaming and melodic vocals, it's rather cool to see Axel and Dallas break out from using The Miz's theme now they've been re-dubbed "The B-Team". It's a smart move not to use their individual pieces too.

A new name and new music they can call their own is a step in the right direction for a pair who, individually, would be cannon fodder enhancement talent.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.