16 Things You Might Have Missed From Last Night’s WWE Raw

11. Bobby Roode Looking Over His Shoulder

Bobby Roode

Bobby Roode's plodding run as a mediocre babyface continued on Raw with MITB qualification, and it was another example of WWE's bizarre need to force characterisation. If Roman Reigns needs to turn heel, then Roode should be next in line behind him, because he's a natural bad guy.

Still, Bobby showed great self-awareness after beating No Way Jose and Baron Corbin in a Triple Threat match this week.

After winning, Roode made sure to look over his shoulder several times, first before doing his "Glorious" pose and again when mounting the ropes to celebrate. That was a nice touch, one that shows Roode is trying his best in the face of WWE's resistance against a more logical heel run.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.