16 WWE Attitude Era Tag Teams You Totally Don't Remember

1. Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan

Bull Buchanan is perhaps best remembered for his time with the Right To Censor faction (or perhaps his post-Attitude Era stint as John Cena's enforcer, B-Squared), but immediately before that he was an ally of the Big Boss Man. The pair formed a menacing heel tag team in early 2000, taking to the ring in all-black SWAT gear - an inspiration for The Shield's attire over a decade later? The pair defeated the makeshift team of D'Lo Brown and The Godfather to open WrestleMania 2000, but never achieved much further success. They eventually disbanded in June after a televised loss to the Hardy Boyz, after which Boss Man turned on Buchanan and knocked him out with his trademark nightstick.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.