17 Early 90s WCW Stars You Totally Don't Remember

4. The Shark

One of the biggest heels during the late-80s and early-90s of WWE, John Tenta excelled as Earthquake. After years of being a singles wrestler, 'Quake would be reinvented in a babyface tag-team alongside Typhoon. The Natural Disasters were born, and proved mighty popular with fans. When Hulk Hogan showed up in WCW, it was only inevitable that he'd bring along some of his buddies for the ride, and Tenta was no exception. Initially, the man became Avalanche, but that upset Vince McMahon, who felt the gimmick was far too close to the Earthquake concept from years prior. So, Tenta became The Shark, a member of the cartoon-like Dungeon Of Doom stable who feuded with Hogan until the formation of the infamous nWo. Taking things rather seriously, Tenta even had a tiger tattoo on his arm changed to look like a shark, but would eventually drop the moniker and compete under his real name, all before being released in 1997. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUKL8CkVyGk

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.