17 Early 90s WCW Stars You Totally Don't Remember

10. Erik Watts

Erik Watts Lord knows how difficult it must be to follow in the footsteps of a successful father, especially one who worked in the exact same industry you someday hope to. Massive pressure must fall on the shoulders of young sons, who realise quickly that people will judge them, not only on their own attributes, but on what came before them. In the case of Erik Watts, the one word that springs instantly to mind is nepotism. Many lambasted Verne Gagne for pushing his son, Greg, to the moon during the fading years of the AWA, and the same allegations must be thrown at Bill Watts. During Bill's tenure as booker for WCW in the early-90s, he really tried to give his son every chance available, but Erik simply wasn't cut out to be a headline star. Lacking the marketable look, Watts Jr was a decent worker, but that would never be enough to convince those outside his family circle that he was deserving of being champion.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.