17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Aug 16)

5. Karrion Kross Keeping An Eye Out

Karrion Kross Jeff Hardy

The fortunes of one Karrion Kross on Raw look like they're about to improve after his seriously troublesome start. WWE's NXT Champ battered Jeff Hardy behind the curtain, then handily smashed him in a squash match inside the ring.

Better yet, Kross showed some fun attention to detail.

Above, you'll see him glancing back at the stage during his entrance. Why? Well, Karrion was making sure that Hardy (who was still reeling from his Gorilla position ambush) didn't sprint out to embarrass him. WWE heels don't show this kind of intelligence too often.

4. How Impressive This Was

Reggie Car

Can you handspring vault over a parked car, land perfectly right next to the open driver's door, then smile, get in and zoom off like it was nothing? Probably not, but Reggie can. Honestly, watch a few cycles of that .GIF there to see how impressive it is that the guy makes stuff like this look so effortless.

He showed off some insane athleticism after evading Akira Tozawa and R-Truth yet again.

3. Ye Olde "Stinkface"

Nia Jax Stinkface

The "stinkface" is back.

Nia Jax rubbed her arse in Nikki A.S.H's face, and it seemed to go on for an eternity. Almost hilariously, Kevin Dunn and pals decided to switch camera angles approx 300 times during the spot. Y'know, just for effect and perhaps to mask the visual of Nikki covering up so she didn't get 'dem cheeks.

Rikishi would be proud, at least. The "stinkface" probs won't be launching a full-time comeback though.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.