17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Aug 16)

2. Some Empty Seats

WWE Raw Empty Seats 2021

Vinnie Mac won't like the thought that some fans in San Antonio (which the announcers claimed was totally sold out) decided to leave before seeing Goldberg and Bobby Lashley have their face-to-face confrontation at the end.

Behold a few empty seats at the tip of those yellow arrows.

These were visible during Goldberg's entrance. Typically, the camera didn't linger too long. That means you could've easily missed the fact that some Texans had elected to bolt from the arena and beat the traffic rather than watching Bill spear Bob.

1. “Not A F*cking Chance”

Goldberg Bobby Lashley

The aforementioned Mr. Dunn made sure that this was hard to spot too.

MVP mouthed off about Lashley's superiority over Goldberg, and Bill was having none of it. He eventually said, "Not a f*cking chance" when P claimed that Bobby would mow him down at SummerSlam. WWE's cams cut away from that as quickly as they could.

Unfortunately for Dunn and staff, one definitely caught Goldberg saying the word "f*cking". They didn't have to bleep it out though, 'cause MVP had the mic and Bill was just ranting to himself by selling the standard heel promo in-ring.

What other hidden gems did you spot on the latest WWE Raw? For more like this, check out 10 Things We Learned From Bobby Lashley On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast and 16 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (Aug 13)!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.