2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 1 - Results & Review)

2. Bit Of A Sloppy One

Penta El Hijo del Vikingo Komander AEW

OK, so some fans out there will be into this match, but the dude writing this piece is personally sick of seeing spot rush matches with zero selling. There were numerous times when El Hijo del Vikingo or a member of The WorkHorsemen got dumped on their heads then were hitting moves of their own less than 15 seconds later.

Sell something or your moves mean nothing.

Vikingo is athletically impressive, but he needs to take a bit more care during some of his riskier dives. For example, he ended up tangled in the ropes during a trio dive spot with Penta and Komander. Mistakes happen, but that's embarrassing for somebody who's a skilled high-flyer, and it isn't an isolated incident with the guy.

The timing was off on several other spots too, and the match generally didn't seem worthy of the main event position (even on Rampage). Also, Prince Nana looked like an idiot for putting his faith in JD Drake and Anthony Henry in the first place. Brian Cage and Nana walked out of them come the end.

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AEW Rampage
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