2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Feb 2 - Results & Review)


4. Still Not Convinced

Sammy Guevara Renee Paquette

Sammy Guevara isn't a likeable babyface, and no amount of 'doing it for his daughter' promos will change that. The ex-Inner Circle man is at his best when he's smarmy and detestable, so it's puzzling that AEW plans to portray him as a gutsy family man opposite the Don Callis Family.

Y'know, a Family he was once part of for a cup of coffee.

Therein lies the problem. Sammy was part of Don's stable for less than three months. THREE MONTHS! Now, the big sell is that he's coming to take them all down one-by-one, and plans to kick the living sh*t out of walking protein bar Powerhouse Hobbs. Yeah, this is hard to get onside with.

Guevara's whiny promo from Rampage didn't help. He still spits his lines with that old heel vibe, and that's unlikely to get the job done if he's supposed to be some moralistic tough guy kicking butts for his wife and baby girl.

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AEW Rampage
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