2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 25)

3. Give ‘Em A Chance!

Brody King Jake Hager

Picture-in-picture moan incoming.

Maybe this is just something Rampage viewers need to accept, but...come on. TK knows the network will want to cut to commercials countless times during the hour, so he really needs to do a better job of formatting his shows so that matches survive these post-production butcher sessions.

AEW handed Brody King vs. Jake Hager seven minutes, then went to pic-in-pic less than two minutes after the opening bell. Then, as if that wasn't egregious enough, the ad break lasted for three whole minutes before Rampage returned to full screen in time for the finishing stretch.

Cool? How can people get up for matches if this is all they're getting? Both men worked hard here (pay attention during picture-in-picture for proof of that), but their graft wasn't enough to offset frankly sh*tty formatting that's hurting the product.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.