2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (March 8 - Results & Review)

1. Solid Tag-Team Wrestling

The Butcher Blade Kip Sabian Trent Beretta

If you're only going to check out one match from Rampage, make it the opening tag. Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta vs. The Butcher and Kip Sabian seemed to suffer less from the usual ad break treatment than other bouts on the show. That meant it was easier to stay invested in what was going on.

The quartet produced a workmanlike effort that didn't go down the hectic route, and that's meant as a compliment. These guys avoided big bumps and dives aplenty for the sake of it. Instead, they built the match on foundations based around Cassidy's injured ribs/back. That was always something they could come back to.

Butcher shut Orange's comeback down with a big backbreaker that Cassidy sold well. His pain meant Beretta had to step up and score the win for his team, which he did. Excalibur then spoke of the Best Friends having hopes and dreams of becoming AEW Tag-Team Champs in the upcoming tourney as they celebrated.

What a well-produced match.

What did you think of this week's AEW Rampage? For more like this, check out 10 New Directions For AEW After Revolution 2024 and WWE 2K24: 10 Things You NEED To Know Before You Buy!

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AEW Rampage
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