2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: New Year's Smash (Dec 29 - Results & Review)

3. Just Barely There

Matt Sydal Wheeler Yuta

Similarly, Wheeler Yuta and Matt Sydal worked hard and all, but there wasn't much meat on the bone with their ROH Pure Title match. These bouts are supposed to feel tactical and gruelling for both workers. Instead, this came out looking like a standard TV match with one of those pesky pic-in-pic ad breaks.

It didn't come across as unique at all.

The whole thing only existed so Danhausen could claim Wheeler cheated, then get his curse-giving butt kicked before Hook made the save. Hook and Yuta collide for the former's FTW prize during the Worlds End 'Zero Hour' show, and they've got a job ahead of them to maintain fan interest.

ROH has hosted some seriously intriguing Pure Rules matches in the past. This, sadly, won't be remembered as one of them. You'll forget this scrap even happened a week or so from now, which doesn't exactly say much for the strength of Wheeler's title reign thus far.

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AEW Rampage
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