2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: New Year's Smash (Dec 29 - Results & Review)

1. A Nothing Match

Ruby Soho Harley Cameron

So, Ruby Soho vs. Marina Shafir happened.

That's about all there is to say about the actual match proper, being honest. Neither woman seemed particularly energetic or up for it from the opening bell, and interest died a death once Nyla Rose chased Saraya from ringside. That's very, very worrying for someone like Soho.

Remember when people were excited about the one-time Ruby Riott doing better things in AEW than she did in WWE? That seems like a distant memory, because it certainly hasn't happened. Her storyline with Angelo Parker is already dragging, and the slow split stuff Ruby has going on with Saraya is painfully uninteresting.

AEW has chucked Harley Cameron into the mix hoping that'll change things, but her involvement has only exposed how wonky the whole saga is. There isn't much to sink your teeth into here, unfortunately. Just split The Outcasts for good and move on, please.

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