2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: New Year's Smash (Dec 29 - Results & Review)


2. No Problems With This

Stokely Hathaway Kris Statlander Willow Nightingale

Let's end with some positives.

Willow Nightingale has a bubbly energy that's infectious whether she's wrestling or appearing in promo skits like the one on Rampage. Kris Statlander tried to match that, but her head has been turned slightly by the promise of better by meddling manager Stokely Hathaway. There's real potential here.

Stokely continued his recruitment drive by proposing that Kris and Willow wrestle against one another on the Worlds End pre-show instead of teaming up. It's a paper-thin story, sure, but it's a better one than the Outcasts mess elsewhere. At least Nightingale and Statlander have an end goal (Kris turning heel).

Stat going rogue and becoming Hathaway's next Jade Cargill-esque force should revive her fortunes in 2024. Kris didn't have much to shout about when TBS Champion, and it's fairly obvious she needs a rethink. Going heel next to Stokely is 100% the best way to go with her.

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