2 Ups & 5 Downs From AEW Rampage (April 7)

2. Shouldn’t Have Been The Main

Julia Hart Anna Jay

Julia Hart and Anna Jay worked hard, but they're nowhere near slick enough as workers to be headlining AEW shows. Sorry if that sounds harsh, and it is true that every wrestler deserves the chance to develop in-ring, but their headliner couldn't come up to the required mark.

Tony Khan should've handed them some reps on lower-tier programming like Dark or Dark: Elevation first before putting this on last for Rampage. Perhaps some AEW house show bouts will help Hart and Jay build more chemistry and confidence together. They could do with that.

Their match was nowhere near as bad as some on Twitter are suggesting (it had bright bits here or there), but yeah...give them a little more time in the oven before putting them together in this spot on the card. It was a bit uncoordinated and awkward at points, especially nearer the finish.

Better to come from both, hopefully.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.