2 Ups & 5 Downs From AEW Rampage (Oct 20 - Results & Review)

3. Not The Best Headliner (And A Duff Finish)

Saraya Ruby Soho

Skye Blue is an undoubted star of the future, and AEW fans have yet to see the very best of her. However, it's definitely worth saying that Skye has had better matches than this Rampage main event fairly recently. Maybe that falls on Ruby Soho, who knows? It could be due to Blue's tweaked gimmick post-Julia Hart mist.

Regardless, this headliner wasn't the best.

Soho's heel heat section was far too slow, and fans just sort of stood around not reacting to anything they were seeing. Even Saraya's interference behind the referee's back (or...it was supposed to be behind his back) failed to get a response. Then, the finish was botched.

Saraya appeared to miss Skye with the spray paint can first time around, so she decided to swing at her again. The ending came off totally flat as a result, and it probably wasn't the right call to cut Blue down by handing Ruby a win either.

Swing and a miss from these women, sadly.

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AEW Rampage
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