2 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 28)

1. Doing Dirty By The Dawgs

Dirty Dawgs Dolph Ziggler Robert Roode

So, get this for a recap: Dolph Ziggler and Roberts Roode have now failed to win two glorified handicap matches when the SmackDown Tag belts are on the line. They lost one at WrestleMania Backlash against Rey (Dominik ran in at the end), and again opposite Dom on SmackDown (Rey came out towards the end of that one).

Yours truly really isn't sure why such an excellent team need to look like chumps, but this is WWE's way of doing things when a previously-hot act drops the straps. Also, why in the name of leather jackets did the Dirty Dawgs fess up to having bad strategies? Why would arrogant heels do that when they're on the back foot!?

This just isn't good enough.

WWE could've cycled Dolph and Bobby out of the title scene without cutting their legs off or asking them to rip apart their own approach. It's been said before, but this fan is desperately worried that creative will split them up soon and book a feud between ex partners no-one wants to see.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.