2 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 28)


2. One Hell Of A Tag

The Usos Street Profits

Praise the good lord for this small mercy.

SmackDown's opening tag-team match was very, very good. The Usos were fired up for their first showing as a team in over a year, and it showed - they and The Street Profits, who are at their best when they're involved in lengthy bouts, brought it when it mattered most.

This is the kind of thing WWE need to kick shows off with when live crowd return in July. Seriously, a packed house would pop huge for some of the spots this quartet worked, and most would enjoy the epic, first-time-ever feel they worked so hard to create, hold and then use to springboard towards the finish.

The agent for this match deserves a pat on the back. They, along with the workers themselves, ensured that The Profits looked awesome even in defeat. They also made sure that The Usos are now top contenders for the Mysterio clan's belts on next week's show.

Don't sleep on this match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.