2 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 15)


2. Pat F*cking McAfee

Pat McAfee

Finally, some goodness.

Pat McAfee is a promo machine, and he proved it yet again during the first few minutes of SmackDown. The colour commentator is a better talker than 99.9% of the roster; his audience interaction, poise and delivery is head and shoulders above everyone else.

Baron Corbin deserves some praise for keeping his own words short and sweet. He didn't try to top McAfee, which was the right call, and instead tut-tutted his way through some dialogue about Pat playing pro wrestler rather than actually being one.

This feud is quietly simmering away nicely in the background. It's a midcard rivalry that'll be a credit to SummerSlam. Just as well, because the paper-thin 'Premium Live Event' might rely on it to prop things up. Maybe giving McAfee some more mic time next week wouldn't be the worst idea.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.