20 Best Wrestling Ladder Matches Ever

5. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam (Raw 2002)

Without doubt one of the greatest matches to ever take place on regular WWE television, Eddie Guerrero's battle with Rob Van Dam over the Intercontinental Title on Monday Night Raw will live forever as one of Guerrero's best-remembered bouts. Making it even better, the fiery Latino had returned just weeks earlier from a seriously dark time in his life, going through various addictions and struggling with injuries. Upon his reappearance, Eddie seemed more motivated than ever to prove he belonged in the company, and boy did he ever do that when working with Van Dam. The perfect opponent for his return, RVD was almost tailor-made to work with Eddie Guerrero, which is something this Ladder Match from May, 2002 would prove. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2k6px5_raw-05-27-2002-eddie-guerrero-vs-rvd-ladder-match-for-the-intercontinental-title_sport Not even an unscheduled run-in from an emotional fan could stop the contest from being brilliant, nor could an errant slip from Rob Van Dam, who fell off the top of the ladder right before he was due to deliver his patented Five Star Frog Splash. If nothing else, this match proved that Eddie Guerrero was back with a bang, and he'd only capitalise on that momentum going forward.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.