20 Best Wrestling Ladder Matches Ever

3. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boys vs. The Dudley Boys (WrestleMania 2000)

Later matches held under 'Tables, Ladders & Chairs' rules definitely deserve to be mentioned, but it was at WrestleMania 2000 where it all started for Edge & Christian, The Dudley Boys and The Hardy Boys. As aforementioned, the tag-team Ladder Match between those first few teams had been incredible, but throwing The Dudleys into the mix would only heighten the excitement for 'Mania. The TLC wars at Summerslam 2000 and WrestleMania X-Seven were spectacular, but in terms of pure, ladder-based action, 'Mania 2000 was where it was at. It's mind-blowing to think that the trio of teams managed to top themselves each and every time, but a lot of what made the TLC matches so stunning was born here. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xze9f4_edge-christian-vs-hardy-boyz-vs-dudley-boyz-ladder-match_sport Big bumps aplenty were the order of the day, as fans likely couldn't even grasp what they were seeing. There was so much innovation on offer during this Triple Threat encounter that it was almost overwhelming. Many people may point to the TLC matches as being better, but this is where it all began for the saga that existed between these teams.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.