20 Best Wrestling Ladder Matches Ever

18. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio (Extreme Rules 2011)

The circumstances surrounding Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules in May, 2011 are pretty unfortunate. Christian's real-life good buddy, Adam 'Edge' Copeland, had been forced to retire shortly after facing Del Rio at WrestleMania, which left a huge void in the main event scene and the World Heavyweight Championship picture. This is where Christian stepped in, much to the delight of fans. A popular replacement for the Ladder Match to crown a new champion at Extreme Rules, Christian was viewed as someone who really should have been treated with more respect from the booking squad long before then, and fans were only too happy to see him capture the big one in WWE for the very first time. Better yet, the Canadian validated that adulation from wrestling fans. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2mu3tp_wr-extreme-rules-2011-christian-vs-alberto-del-rio-ladder-match-wh-championship_sport Turning in a superb performance, Christian and Del Rio pieced together a wonderful match which was likely better than Edge's match against the Mexican aristocrat promised to be. Suffering from serious neck injuries, there was no way Edge could have taken the big bumps on offer here, and it was awesome to see Christian finally live out a childhood dream.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.