20 Best WWE Matches Of 2015

4. Kevin Owens Vs John Cena - Elimination Chamber

This match was fantastic for so many reasons, but mainly because Kevin Owens won clean in his first ever main roster WWE match. To be put over like that, against the biggest star in the company John Cena, it was one of the most notable matches of this decade. The action was exciting, establishing a frenetic pace from the get go. They kept it up for twenty minutes, with plenty of near falls from things like Owens' senton, package powerbomb, and pop up powerbomb. Likewise, Cena nailed big spots like his legdrop from the second rope, springboard stunner, and the AA. Owens survived, eventually hitting another pop up powerbomb for the win. It was a shocking ending, one that will stick in the mind of fans for years to come.
WWE Writer

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