20 Dream WWE Matches That Only Happened ONCE!

3. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

The Rock Eddie Guerrero WWE

When: 25 November 2002 Raw

Nobody ask RVD to do that impression of HBK.

Rob refuses to do it nowadays, but he didn't always (ahem) see eye-to-eye with Shawn Michaels. That might explain why they'd wrestle exactly one singles bout on TV or pay-per-view in WWE. It fell on an episode of Raw in November 2002 shortly after Shawn had returned to capture the World Heavyweight Title.

RVD won via DQ following approx eight minutes of ridiculously solid wrestling. What should've been an appetiser for more to come was sadly more of an unsatisfying teaser for fans. Van Dam and Michaels did work several tag matches together after this, but they didn't produce any classics.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.