20 Dream WWE Matches That Only Happened ONCE!

14. Goldberg vs. Shawn Michaels

The Rock Eddie Guerrero WWE

When: 20 October 2003 Raw

Admit it: Fans of a certain vintage would've high-fived one another at the prospect of seeing Shawn Michaels try to pull a decent match out of squash match machine Bill Goldberg during the 'Monday Night Wars'. That seemed improbable due to Shawn's retirement, but his return in 2002 and WCW's demise the prior year made it possible.

WWE eventually booked the showdown in late-October 2003. Was it any use? Meh, not really, but Goldberg's matches were always better on paper than in execution. Michaels did bump around for the powerhouse too, so it wasn't a terrible way to spend six minutes either.

Defo qualifies as a dream match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.