20 Dream WWE Matches That Only Happened ONCE!

13. Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles

The Rock Eddie Guerrero WWE

When: Survivor Series 2017

Brock Lesnar might've said no to a 'Champ vs. Champ' match with Jinder Mahal in late-2017, but he was licking his chops at the thought of hitting suplex after suplex on the much more skilled AJ Styles. To his credit, Styles approached this bout the right way and knew he'd have to let Brock dominate most of it then time his comebacks.

Together, they produced a nifty 15-minute story.

Granted, there was no real need for WWE to return to Brock vs. AJ after Survivor Series. It was always more of an exhibition (the kind announcers could hype the latest video game's "fantasy warfare" element with) and little else. This combo will probably never happen again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.