20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

10. The Hurricane Is Coming Through

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

This shouldn't have worked, especially mid-Invasion angle.

Talented Cruiserweight and WCW man Shane Helms turned into a bogus superhero called The Hurricane in 2001. Keep in mind this happened whilst the WCW/ECW Alliance storyline was still the WWF's focus, so Hurricane should've Hurri-tanked in a flash. He didn't though. Not even close.

This writer recalls wrestling magazines chastising the company for slapping a green light on Helms' switch at the time. The Hurricane was lumped in with dire WCW > WWF transformations like DDP becoming a stalker. Somehow, Helms was so damn good at the role that he turned it into a niche instead of a noose.

The Hurricane was one of the most-loved midcarders on the entire roster by 2002. Shane's creativity and energetic 'all or nothing' approach to the gimmick manifested memorable moments vs. The Rock and other top liners. Few, if anyone, had that on their predictions list when he was teaming with Lance Storm in the Alliance.

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