20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

19. R-Truth Is A Friendly Idiot

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

In 2011, R-Truth started yakking on about a mysterious imaginary pal of his own: "Little Jimmy". No, Jim didn't say anything about The Boogeyman's legacy, but he did become an invisible tool Truth could use to power his promos. The whole thing was so curiously entertaining that the guy even bagged a main event match with John Cena.

Fast forward to 2024 and R-Truth has cranked up the 'resident idiot' dial to charm fans with some legitimately funny backstage skits. His work opposite Judgment Day, for example, almost caused Damian Priest and Finn Bálor to corpse on multiple occasions, and the laughter coming from crowds was genuine.

This is the funniest Truth has ever been, which is almost certainly something nobody saw coming for the guy a full decade (at least) after his prime. Ron Killings just works as a friendly, well-meaning moron, and the fact he even survived the dreary 24/7 Title days says it all.

In Truth we trust.

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