20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

18. Sad Baron Corbin Is Sad

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

There is a section of the wrestling fanbase that will never like Baron Corbin. Fair enough, but even the man's harshest critics must admit that he put his all into that 'King' Corbin to "Bum Ass" Corbin (Pat McAfee's words) change in 2021. Almost overnight, Corbs went from annoying royal stalwart to someone down on his luck.

Baron lost his crown and spiralled into a funk. It should've sucked hard, but Corbin dedicated himself to the role and made it work by living the gimmick. He wore the same shirt over and over again, stopped shaving his head and even grew an unkempt beard. The dude got some fun out of his switch, at least.

Sure, Happy Corbin on the other end was lame, but the sad era was gold looking back. The experiment even threatened to turn Baron into a sympathetic babyface before WWE went full-blown villain with the Happy run instead.

Dumb? Sure. Genius way to move on from the 'King' gimmick? You bet.

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Cody Rhodes
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