20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

17. “Hi, I’m Dolph Ziggler!”

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

Current TNA man Nic(k) Nemeth's face must've been a picture when WWE's writers laid out their latest plan for him in 2008. 'So, you've been a golf caddy for a racist gimmick and a cheerleader who was humiliated. Now, you'll be someone who shakes hands backstage and introduces himself!'.


Seriously, even the name Dolph Ziggler was ridiculed on various internet forums at the time. It sounded so silly, and the way Dolph tried getting friendly with various workers behind the curtain was tiresome after just a handful of promos. Then, something special happened.

Ziggler volleyed the paper-thin handshaking gimmick into orbit and showed what he was capable of in-ring. Comparisons were made to everyone from Curt Hennig to Shawn Michaels, and Dolph went on to enjoy a WWE run that lasted right up until 2023. In hindsight, as stupid as it seemed, going from Nicky of The Spirit Squad to slicked-back rookie Ziggler gave him a platform to show off his skills.

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Cody Rhodes
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