20 Dumbest Gimmick Matches In WCW History

17. Yapapi Strap Match

Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair have wrestled each other like six million times, and like two of those matches have been any good. This is one of the five million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight others. Ric Flair and Lex Luger (AKA TEAM PACKAGE) had beaten up Jimmy Hart and whipped Hogan with his own weightlifting belt when he tried to help. There was only one solution, whispered to Hogan by the (dying?) Hart: "Yapapi, brother."

Yes, the Yapapi Strap Match, the legendary feud-ending death battle of the definitely-not-fictional Yapapi tribe. If you're wondering if it is any different than any other strap match (Caribbean strap, Texas bullrope, etc.) it is, in one important way: Hulk Hogan can win it twice. After Hulking Up out of a pinfall attempt in a match that does not count pinfalls, Hogan annihilated Flair with the Big Boot and Leg and successfully pinned him. Then, as the bell rang to signal his victory, Hogan touched all four corners of the ring and won again.

Defining Moment: The intensely homoerotic promos for the match, with constant discussion of whippings, quivering pink flesh, and reference to Jimmy Hart as "The Strapmaster."

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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.