20 Former WWE Stars Who Should Enter A Gimmick Battle Royal At WrestleMania 37

11. J and J Security

Gillberg Return Raw

Remember when Brock Lesnar destroyed J and J Security’s red Cadillac on Raw?

Both Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury had fairly low-key runs in their initial WWE careers, but randomly resurfaced in 2015 alongside Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in The Authority, as bodyguards for Seth Rollins. Constantly interfering in The Architect’s matches, J and J Security proved to be the second coming of Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco, as awesomely annoying corporate stooges.

Before this, Jamie was an also-ran in SmackDown’s mismanaged Cruiserweight division. Whereas, Joey was best known as the least favored member of the MNM group, alongside John Morrison (then Nitro) and Melina, except for time his face famously exploded upon colliding with a ladder at Armageddon 2006.

Every good battle royal needs a couple of foils for the big guys to eliminate both at once, and these two stooges would be the perfect choices.

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Aussie Wrestling fan who's hell bent on watching every RAW and Smackdown from 2004 onwards because why not. I'm a fiend for mediocre wrestlers who loves throwing out an opinion. Get around me fellas!!!