20 Former WWE Stars Who Should Enter A Gimmick Battle Royal At WrestleMania 37

10. The Hurricane

Gillberg Return Raw

Before superhero movies became blockbuster cinematic experiences with the Marvel Universe dominating the film industry, WWE had their own resident superhero running around causing havoc. Of course, that man was The Hurricane.

Draped in his bright green Hurricane costume, Gregory Helms became an iconic novelty act, with his partners Molly Holly dubbed ‘Mighty Molly’, then later Rosey, who looked similar to the Hamburglar from McDonalds. The character was extremely popular among audiences young and old, with his hilarious “WHASSUP WIT DAT” catchphrase and backstage antics often providing some oddly funny highlights on Raw.

The biggest moment of his career came in 2003 on an episode of Raw, when The Hurricane defeated The Rock in one of the biggest upsets in television history. When Helms got the three-count, it sent the crowd into an absolute frenzy.

The chance to recreate his silly Royal Rumble 2002 spot, when he tried to eliminate Steve Austin and Triple H simultaneously, would go down like a house on fire, and make for one of the most memorable moments in a WrestleMania Gimmick Battle Royal.

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Aussie Wrestling fan who's hell bent on watching every RAW and Smackdown from 2004 onwards because why not. I'm a fiend for mediocre wrestlers who loves throwing out an opinion. Get around me fellas!!!