20 Former WWE Stars Who Should Return For Brand Split 2016

8. Paul London

shawn Davari

If Brian Kendrick's return to WWE was unlikely, Paul London's would be downright bizarre - but not impossible. Like Kendrick, the ultra-talented London could have been a huge star, but despite racking up a few title reigns during his tenure with the company (including a four-month run as Cruiserweight Champion), he was largely underutilized. Fans of Velocity likely remember London's classic series with Jimmy "Akio" Yang, but more casual viewers who only watched Smackdown may not have many memories of the star.

London was released in 2008 following a year of poor use that was rumored to be due to the fact that he smiled at Vince McMahon during a serious TV angle. London confirmed those rumors in subsequent interviews, and painted a very vivid picture of just how unhappy he was with the politics in WWE. He relayed stories of run-ins with the likes of McMahon, Triple H, Chris Benoit, and Jamie Noble, and as recently as last month, mentioned how miserable he was in the company.

Is it possible that things have changed? Is it possible that the backstage environment would be better for London now than it was when he left? There's no telling, but from WWE's perspective, he's talented enough to warrant a phone call.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013