20 Greatest Losing Performances At WrestleMania

5. Triple H vs. The Undertaker €“ WrestleMania 17, 27, And 28

There are only two full-blown trilogies in WrestleMania history: The Rock vs. Steve Austin and Triple H vs. The Undertaker. The only difference is that Triple H lost all three matches. His loss at WrestleMania 17 saw him go through a table, take a chokeslam off a scaffold, and endure a ridiculous Last Ride powerbomb. This was also the first time The Undertaker€™s undefeated streak would be mentioned during the build toward a WrestleMania match. Ten years later, the two would meet again in arguably Triple H€™s most dominant performance against The Dead Man. With no holds barred, The Game destroyed The Undertaker with steel chair shot after steel chair shot. He delivered three Pedigrees and a Tombstone of his own. It still wasn€™t enough, as Taker surprised him with his Hell€™s Gate submission hold. Even though he lost the match, Hunter won the war, as The Undertaker was unable to walk to the locker room under his own power. That result set up their WrestleMania 28 encounter the nest year, dubbed €œThe End of an Era.€ Locked inside Hell in a Cell with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee, Triple H thought he had an ace in the hole. Instead, Taker kicked it up a notch, reversing the beat-down he suffered the year before and ending the dispute once and for all. On Twitter, ECW Original The Blue Meanie likened the match to a violent scene in a Martin Scorsese film.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.