20 Greatest TNA Matches Ever

7. Kurt Angle Vs. Jeff Hardy (Victory Road 2012)

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe 2006

Speaking of having something to prove, that was the kind of anticipation following Jeff Hardy going into Victory Road 2012. At the same pay-per-view just 12 months prior, Hardy had disgracefully shown up in no condition to perform, disgusting his opponent Sting and effectively failing to give those watching value for money.

Therefore, it was imperative that Jeff entered a performance that could exorcise those demons. Kurt Angle was positioned as his opponent on the 2012 pay-per-view, giving him the best possible chance. Thankfully, Hardy didn't just put on a good show, he was world class against Angle and had one of his best TNA matches ever.

The story surrounding the match was well-written. Unhappy that his children seemed to idolise Jeff, Kurt wanted to defeat Hardy and put him in his place. The result was a heated match, one befitting two of the most over guys on the entire TNA roster.

It was Angle who picked up the win, albeit by using the ring ropes. Story definitely helped the bout, but Hardy seemed motivated to repay fans for their faith.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.