20 Greatest TNA Matches Ever

5. AJ Styles Vs. Kurt Angle (Hard Justice 2008)

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe 2006

If Kurt Angle had ultimate chemistry with Samoa Joe, he found another man to tear the house down with in AJ Styles. Pretty much every time Angle and AJ worked together inside a TNA ring, people paid attention. Without doubt, it has become one of the most lethal combinations TNA can point to from their history.

Last Man Standing Matches can often be exciting, the very nature of the stipulation cries out for natural drama. Can each man make it to their feet before the count of ten, or will one be unable to and stay grounded? It's the kind of bout tailor-made for intense rivalries.

Something it's also ripe for is exploring the art of the big bump, and that played a huge role in the Hard Justice 2008 match between Angle and Styles. Even Kurt himself performed dives from the entrance ramp and hit AJ with a top rope German Suplex.

It'd be Styles who picked up the win though, delivering a massive DDT from the top turnbuckle to Kurt. This combo was simply golden, and never had a bad match, but this was their finest hour.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.