20 Greatest TNA Matches Ever

4. America's Most Wanted Vs. Triple X (Turning Point 2004)

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe 2006

Examining the first few years of TNA's existence feels like looking back at an entirely different company. There was a cult-like buzz surrounding the promotion in 2004, wrestling fans were starting to cotton on to the fact that they could see things WWE didn't provide in the upstart promotion.

That momentum was directly helped by matches like America's Most Wanted vs. Triple X at Turning Point 2004. James Storm and Chris Harris faced Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper in an astonishing highlight reel of high spots and thrills. Skipper had previously been part of WCW, but he was more seasoned as a performer by the time this match came around.

Despite appearances from the likes of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Randy Savage on the pay-per-view, this tag-team bout was picked to headline. The losing team was forced to disband, and it would be Triple X who had that unfortunate honour.

One of the most incredible spots TNA has ever booked took place during the match, with Skipper deftly walking along the ridge of the Steel Cage before hitting a Hurricanrana on Harris.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.