20 Greatest TNA Matches Ever

1. AJ Styles Vs. Christopher Daniels Vs. Samoa Joe (Unbreakable 2005)

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe 2006

Any Three Way or Triangle Match promoted by TNA will be judged against the one that headlined Unbreakable in September, 2005. The one-off pay-per-view also featured Raven vs. Rhino for the NWA Heavyweight Title, as well as Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy, but most recall the exploits of AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe more fondly.

Well over 20 minutes of sparkling wrestling followed once the bell started ringing, and nobody watching will ever forget one high spot in particular. Flipped over by Daniels, Styles then nailed a picture-perfect Hurricanrana on Joe. How he adjusted his positioning in mid-air is baffling, but it was spectacular.

The trio would have a rematch of sorts years later at Turning Point 2009 for the TNA Heavyweight Title, but it's the X Division Title match that deserves the most praise. TNA gave the X Division the spotlight at Unbreakable, and the men involved in the main event match completely surpassed all expectations.

Rightly so, this has long been considered the bench mark for matches in the company. There may never be one to top it.

What other matches would you deem the greatest in TNA history? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.