20 Greatest TNA Matches Ever

16. Christian Cage Vs. Samoa Joe (Destination X 2007)

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe 2006

In WWE, Christian was never really regarded by management as a genuine main eventer. At least, that's how it came across. Aside from a few pockets of success, such as feuds against Randy Orton and several World Title wins, Christian was treated as more of an upper mid card performer than anything else.

Over in TNA, it was different. Seeking the opportunity to prove himself, Christian Cage debuted with the company in late-2005. Several years later, he had ably vindicated himself by performing well in the upper echelon of TNA cards, and there was anticipation over a match with Samoa Joe at the Destination X 2007 show.

Then NWA Heavyweight Champion, Christian faced Joe for the title in the last match on the pay-per-view. It was a slick affair, and the storytelling was exciting and well thought out. Cage struggled to contain his foe, barely escaping with the skin of his teeth with the title by using the ropes.

The whole thing came across like one of Ric Flair's NWA Title matches from the 1980's, which can hardly be considered a negative in the slightest.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.