20 Greatest TNA Matches Ever

15. Rockstar Spud Vs. EC3 (March 13, 2015)

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe 2006

Another more recent TNA battle took place on the March 13, 2015 episode of Impact Wrestling. That year was a challenging one for the company, perception had long since decreed that TNA was on a downward trend. A lot of top names, like Sting and AJ Styles had left the promotion, meaning they had to rebuild.

More emphasis was placed on younger stars like Ethan Carter III (who came into his own as a sneering heel) and the diminutive Rockstar Spud. In March of 2015, issues between both guys reached boiling point, leading to a blowoff 'Hair vs. Hair' contest on Impact Wrestling.

At the time, the match was given some positive press, but people quickly moved on. That's unfortunate, because this was the performance of a lifetime from Spud. Fans were right in his corner, as he turned from loudmouth brat to spirited underdog.

Carter was booked to win, then viciously attack Spud afterwards and start shaving his head. The fact the match took place in London only added to the drama, and it belongs on any list looking at TNA's greatest matches.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.